
AI Art Generators: Where Machines Get Artsy (and Shockingly Good at It)

Ah, the whirlwind of AI Art, the yin and yang of human creativity and machine wizardry, has sparked quite the debate in the last year. The AI art scene is no longer just lurking in the labs, it’s strutting down the main street, daring the world to take notice.

So, if you’re curious to dip your toe into this mesmerizing AI art pool, we’ve got a list of links that’ll catapult you into the AI art revolution. Buckle up, because this is no ordinary art class!



  • Diverse AI generators, each with distinct strengths and drawbacks.
  • Deep Dream is user-friendly but lacks customization; Runway ML is versatile but expensive.
  • DALL-E is invite-only, charges for high-res, and Dream by Wombo is quick but limited in style. Consider your creative needs.

ApplicationPrice ModelEase of UseGet Started
DALL-E 3SubscriptionModerate
Dream by WomboFree/SubscriptionEasy
Stable DiffusionFree/SubscriptionModerate
Originally featured on Mediahub

The Magical World of Prompt-Driven AI Art Generators

Imagine this: you feed an AI machine some text, an image, or some other mysterious input, and it cranks out an image that makes your jaw drop. Welcome to the realm of prompt-driven AI art generators, where the magic begins with your words.

DALL-E 3 picture of artist drawing an Ai angle in space - MASTERDIR

Text or Text + Images: The Choice is Yours

AI art generators are like chameleons, adapting with lightning speed. Right now, the spotlight is on text-based systems, but who knows what’s around the corner? Tomorrow, they might be mixing text and images like a digital DJ dropping beats.

The Catch with Free AI Art Generators

  • Free versions of AI generators typically come with watermarked images, such as in the case of Deep Dream Generator.
  • Runway ML’s free trial has usage limitations and may not offer access to all available models.
  • DALL-E by OpenAI is invite-only, making it less accessible to the general public.

The free versions of the AI generators mentioned in the table come with their respective catches. For Deep Dream Generator, it’s the inclusion of watermarked images in your creations.

While you can explore the surreal world of AI-generated art for free, you’ll have to accept a watermark on your final pieces. Runway ML offers a free trial, but this trial has limitations on usage and available models.

DALL-E by OpenAI stands out with its incredible art generation capabilities, but it’s invite-only, so accessibility remains a significant catch. provides a user-friendly platform for art creation, but high-resolution images will require payment. Lastly, Dream by Wombo allows quick and straightforward art generation at no cost, but watermarked images in the free version may not be suitable for professional use.

Users should carefully weigh these limitations against their needs and aspirations when choosing the right AI art generator.

DALL-E 3 picture of artists creating AI painting - MASTERDIR

10 AI Art prompts that generate effective outputs

  1. “Paint me a cosmic dance of swirling galaxies, where stars collide like lovers in the night sky.”
  2. “Capture the essence of human resilience in the face of adversity, with a blend of strength, vulnerability, and unwavering determination.”
  3. “Render a surreal dreamscape where time flows backward, and gravity is but a playful suggestion.”
  4. “Intrigue me with an abstract representation of the enigmatic whispers of the universe, where dark matter meets the birth of stars.”
  5. “Give life to the impossible: a symphony of colors that tastes like laughter and feels like the gentle touch of a summer breeze.”
  6. “Imagine a world where nature reclaims the concrete jungle, and urban streets transform into lush, untamed forests.”
  7. “Craft a visual ode to the interconnectedness of all living beings, where roots of ancient trees entwine with the hopes and dreams of humanity.”
  8. “Illustrate the birth of artificial intelligence, where circuits and algorithms evolve into sentient beings, pondering the mysteries of existence.”
  9. “In your art, embody the clash of tradition and innovation, as ancient rituals collide with futuristic technology, forging a new path forward.”
  10. “Weave a tapestry of emotions, where joy, sorrow, anger, and love collide in a vibrant explosion of human experience.”

Crafting Your AI Art: More Than Just Words

So, how does it work, you ask? Well, it’s like magic. You provide a text prompt, like a wizard casting a spell, describing what you want your image to look like. It could be the subject matter, the colors, the objects, or even the style you desire. You lay down the foundation, and the AI system builds the castle. It takes your prompt, adds its own sprinkle of genius, and voilà, you’ve got yourself an art piece.

Let’s take Midjourney as an example. “Ruins of an alien temple built into sandstone cliffs surrounding a deep valley with sand dunes” is your prompt. You toss it in, and you get not one, not two, but four jaw-dropping images. It’s like having your very own AI genie in a digital bottle.

So, what’s your take on this AI art renaissance? Are you ready to dive headfirst into the world of artistry, one keystroke at a time? Share your thoughts, and let’s embark on this electrifying AI art adventure together!

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Dan Shalev

Hey, I'm Dan - I speak human in the age of bot and like tech, SaaS and entrepreneurship. I contribute to blogs like MASTERDIR to provide a layman's insight into products and services, and give the good, the bad, and the ugly to help you make informed decisions and avoid buyer's remorse.